"Know Your Counterparty":
Why Credit Counterparty Analysis is Important!
Prior to the credit crisis of 2007, many financial firms assumed they knew the financial health of their counterparties. It soon became apparent that most were wrong.
FSA can provide detailed counterparty credit analysis on your trading counterparties by evaluating: capital adequacy, asset quality, liquidity, and earnings. This enables you to make proactive credit decision when evaluating your firm’s counterparty risk. Our counterparty analysis can be used by banks, hedge funds, credit unions, broker dealers, and mortgage banks. For mortgage banks, the counterparty analysis will also meet CFPB and other regulatory requirements that you “know your vendor. FSA can also build and implement a Credit Risk Framework to address your counterparty risk and trading exposures. FSA can give direction and insight to meeting FINRA 4210 implementation.
With extensive experience in the capital markets space, FSA can be an expert witness to apply our expertise to give a professional opinion to the tribunal or court on particular matters in dispute. Please contact us directly on your need for an expert witness.
My name is Andrew C. Salerno, owner and CEO of Forest Street Analytics (FSA), and I have more than 30 years of credit counterparty analysis experience gained from working at Wall Street firms such as Mizuho Securities LLC, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, and ABN Amro Bank.